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Text File  |  1993-01-14  |  11KB  |  361 lines

  1. ----------
  2. austral
  3. ----------
  4. From mcsun.eu.net!hp4at!cbmvie!cary!mwallner  Tue Nov 10 20:25:10 1992
  5. Name: Martin Wallner, ETA003
  6. Age: 29
  7. City, State, and Country you live in: Vienna, Austria
  8. time-owned: since the beginning
  9. city-dealers: app. 100
  10. state-dealers: app. 900
  11. dealer_distance: I'm workingfor one of them...
  12. #use_groups: app. 5
  13. friend?: yes
  14. commercial-bought: 25
  15. like-to-do:developing, games, telecomm
  16. want-to-do:
  17. rate-amiga: 100
  18. rate-prog: 75
  19. rate-amiga-approval: 100
  20. rate-com-approval: 50
  21. rate-ami-support: 100
  22. investment: 25
  23. newlist: yes
  24. use-newlist: yes
  25. love-st: YES
  26. ----------From mcuddy@ctbu.rational.com  Tue Nov 10 20:31:34 1992
  27. From thecure@mullian.ee.Mu.OZ.AU  Wed Nov 11 16:14:31 1992
  28. Name:Matthew Alderson
  29. Age:19
  30. City, State, and Country you live in:Carlton, Victoria, Australia.
  31. time-owned:5 years
  32. city-dealers: 2. (wow)
  33. state-dealers:6 (for a state bigger than the size of England. *sigh*
  34. dealer_distance:2 Kms.
  35. #use_groups:Amiga ones, about 5.
  36. friend?:I have more than one friend, and yes.
  37. commercial-bought:12-20.
  38. like-to-do: Nightclub video work, unix networking, animations, and games.
  39. want-to-do:Faster video, more colors (aga) , and better unix.
  40. rate-amiga:90 (I'm a developer. :)
  41. rate-prog:80.
  42. rate-amiga-approval:I approved of the product, 80. (not managment)
  43. rate-com-approval:Ah,, 10.
  44. rate-ami-support:30
  45. investment: 60
  46. newlist: no
  47. use-newlist:No.
  48. love-st:No.
  49. ----------
  50. From sgccmjw@citecuc.citec.oz.au  Wed Nov 11 16:32:39 1992
  51. Name: Mark Wilton
  52. Age: 23
  53. City, State, and Country you live in: Brisbane Queensland Australia
  54. time-owned: 5 years
  55. city-dealers: Approx 10 dealers, More sold through chain stores
  56. state-dealers: 15 
  57. dealer_distance:10 Km
  58. #use_groups:Heaps
  59. friend?: which friend??? 8^] Yea about about 5
  60. commercial-bought: 4
  61. rate-amiga: 80
  62. rate-prog: 20
  63. rate-amiga-approval:90
  64. rate-com-approval:50 
  65. rate-ami-support: 80
  66. investment: 90
  67. newlist:No
  68. use-newlist:
  69. love-st: no
  70. ----------
  71. From perkovic@cs.flinders.edu.au  Wed Nov 11 16:43:57 1992
  72. Name:David Perkovic
  73. Age:21
  74. City, State, and Country you live in: Adelaide, South Australia
  75. time-owned: 6 months
  76. city-dealers:10-20 if you count department stores
  77. state-dealers:10-20
  78. dealer_distance:1km
  79. #use_groups:5
  80. friend?:yes
  81. commercial-bought:games approx 30-40 (I bought a lot 2nd hand)wp 2
  82. like-to-do:games programming
  83. want-to-do:programming
  84. rate-amiga:30
  85. rate-prog:10
  86. rate-amiga-approval:100
  87. rate-com-approval:90
  88. rate-ami-support:100
  89. investment:40
  90. newlist:no
  91. use-newlist:
  92. love-st:
  93. no I just like them
  94. ----------
  95. From BIRJT@cc.newcastle.edu.au  Wed Nov 11 16:45:54 1992
  96. Name:Russell Tayler
  97. Age:37
  98. City, State, and Country you live in:Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
  99. time-owned:6 years
  100. city-dealers:5
  101. state-dealers:100 (a guess)
  102. dealer_distance: Theres a hole in the wall 5 mins walk away, and reasonable shop 5 min drive away (3 km).
  103. #use_groups: No idea, but a far as I know there isn't one in this town.
  104. friend?: I know of at least a dozen other owners, they keep popping up all the time.
  105. commercial-bought: About 15 (from memmory), 3 games, 5 entertainment (Vista Pro, Dist. Suns etc)and the rest productivity.
  106. like-to-do:Little bit of telecomm., a lot of DTP and WP, some programming and a few games in between, or a the same time :^)
  107. want-to-do:
  108. rate-amiga:75
  109. rate-prog:40
  110. rate-amiga-approval:90
  111. rate-com-approval: Engineering 100, marketing 40
  112. rate-ami-support:50
  113. investment:  70
  114. newlist: yes
  115. use-newlist: no 
  116. love-st:yes
  117. ----------
  118. From ronny@basser.cs.su.oz.au  Wed Nov 11 17:22:00 1992
  119. Name:    Ronald William Cook
  120. Age:    22
  121. City, State, and Country you live in:    Sydney, NSW, Australia.
  122. time-owned:    3+1/2 years
  123. city-dealers:    At least 15.
  124. state-dealers:    At least 20. (Sydney holds perhaps 70% of the population of NSW).
  125. dealer_distance:    From home: 20km (way out in suburbia).
  126. #use_groups:    State - 5-10; Country - 20-50
  127. friend?: yes
  128. commercial-bought:    Difficult to count... 100+
  129. like-to-do:     Games, Programming ,General mucking about .
  130. want-to-do:
  131.     Programming - current projects on the boiler:
  132.         * Port of Rogue clone to the Amiga (just about finished)
  133.         * Dungeon mapping utility/program (barely started)
  134.         * Port of UMoria 5.5 to the Amiga (mostly finished)
  135.         * Good multitasking fractal program (low priority).
  136. rate-amiga:    80
  137. rate-prog:    50 (I'm more experienced with UNIX).
  138. rate-amiga-approval:    90
  139. rate-com-approval:    10 (Especially CBM Australia; at least in the US the support staff know what they're talking about.)
  140. rate-ami-support:    10
  141. investment: 
  142. newlist:    Yes.
  143. use-newlist:    No. WB2.04 and the "foreach" command (not part of the official distribution) do pretty much everything I need.
  145. love-st: yes
  146. ----------
  147. From fisherc@bohra.cpg.oz.au  Wed Nov 11 18:00:56 1992
  148. Name: Craig Fisher
  149. Age: 25
  150. City, State, and Country you live in:
  151. Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA
  152. time-owned: 7 years
  153. city-dealers: 0
  154. state-dealers: Same.
  155. dealer_distance: Nearest department store selling Amigas is about 6km.
  156. #use_groups: Assuming you mean Amiga User Groups, 1 in the state, probably about 10 in the country.
  157. friend?: yes
  158. commercial-bought: Good question! Probably about 20.
  159. like-to-do: Software development. 
  160. want-to-do: Software development.
  161. rate-amiga: 99
  162. rate-prog: 
  163. rate-amiga-approval: 99
  164. rate-com-approval: 10
  165. rate-ami-support: 10
  166. investment:  80
  167. newlist: yeah
  168. use-newlist:
  169. love-st:no
  170. ----------
  171. From sgi.com!relay.sgi.com!sgihub.corp.sgi.com!sydney!foetus.syd.sgi.oz.au!peterk  Wed Nov 11 20:41:53 1992
  172. Name: Peter Kerney
  173. Age: 28
  174. City, State, and Country you live in: Sydney, NSW, Australia
  175. time-owned: 5 years
  176. city-dealers: ~50 if you include department stores
  177. state-dealers: ~150 as above
  178. dealer_distance: Down the road
  179. #use_groups: ~15
  180. friend?: Yes, a number of friends
  181. commercial-bought: ~40
  182. like-to-do: Graphics programming
  183. want-to-do: 3D 24 bit Graphics programming
  184. rate-amiga: 75
  185. rate-prog: 75
  186. rate-amiga-approval: 85
  187. rate-com-approval: 0
  188. rate-ami-support: 15 (I rely on the net)
  189. investment: 20
  190. newlist: No
  191. use-newlist: No
  192. love-st: Sort of (Red Dwarf)
  193. ----------
  194. From jpotter@guest.adelaide.edu.au  Wed Nov 11 22:16:26 1992
  195. Name:Jonathan Potter
  196. Age:19
  197. City, State, and Country you live in: Adelaide, South Australia
  198. time-owned: 5 years
  199. city-dealers: 3
  200. state-dealers: 4
  201. dealer_distance: 3 km
  202. #use_groups:3
  203. friend?:Yes
  204. commercial-bought:30
  205. like-to-do:program
  206. want-to-do:program :-)
  207. rate-amiga:95
  208. rate-prog:90
  209. rate-amiga-approval:95
  210. rate-com-approval:60
  211. rate-ami-support:30
  212. investment:90
  213. newlist:Yes
  214. use-newlist:No
  215. love-st:Yes
  216. ----------
  217. From hamster@werple.apana.org.au  Thu Nov 12 07:30:47 1992
  218. Name:Anthony Horan
  219. Age:26
  220. City, State, and Country you live in:Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
  221. time-owned:4 and a half years.
  222. city-dealers:About ten specialist dealers; many chainstores carry it too.
  223. state-dealers:Probably about double that.
  224. dealer_distance:About 5 Km
  225. #use_groups:One in this state; maybe another one somewhere else in the country.
  226. friend?:yes
  227. commercial-bought:About 30.
  228. like-to-do: Writing, video, hobby-ing, games.
  229. want-to-do:Production video.
  230. rate-amiga:85
  231. rate-prog:10
  232. rate-amiga-approval:90
  233. rate-com-approval:50
  234. rate-ami-support:20
  235. investment: 75
  236. newlist:Yep!
  237. use-newlist:Never use anything else... :-)
  238. love-st:yes
  239. ----------
  240. From u911661@bruny.cc.utas.edu.au  Thu Nov 12 07:32:29 1992
  241. Name:Malcolm
  242. Age:20 
  243. City, State, and Country you live in:Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
  244. time-owned:3 years
  245. city-dealers:2 dealers and 1 service centre
  246. state-dealers:probably about 5 or 6
  247. dealer_distance:about 1km
  248. #use_groups:state would be about 5 or 7
  249. friend?:yes
  250. commercial-bought:4
  251. like-to-do:music,games,comms,programming, assignment(uni) writing, etc
  252. want-to-do: same
  253. rate-amiga:    75
  254. rate-prog:        50
  255. rate-amiga-approval:        80
  256. rate-com-approval:   30
  257. rate-ami-support:        70
  258. investment: 60
  259. newlist:yes 
  260. use-newlist:yes, have it has the default directory util for CSh under WB2.1 
  261. love-st:no
  262. ----------
  263. From werple.apana.org.au!prolix!dac  Thu Nov 12 07:40:03 1992
  264. Name: David Andrew Clayton (Dac)
  265. Age:  34
  266. City, State, and Country you live in: Canberra, ACT, Australia
  267. time-owned:  7 years
  268. city-dealers: 4
  269. state-dealers: 4 [small state :-)]
  270. dealer_distance: 20km
  271. #use_groups: two
  272. friend?: Yes
  273. commercial-bought: 53
  274. like-to-do: Telecommunications
  275. want-to-do: Telecommunications
  276. rate-amiga:    85
  277. rate-prog:        65
  278. rate-amiga-approval:        90
  279. rate-com-approval:   25 
  280. rate-ami-support:        30
  281. investment: 95 
  282. newlist: yes
  283. use-newlist: all the time
  285.     No, I haven't payed you for it yet.  :-( I will get
  286.     around to it!.  Damn, look, I'll do it now!  There, in
  287.     green pen and everything, a true blue Australian plastic
  288.     $5 note [$A1.00 = $US0.70].  It is legal tender in Oz,
  289.     but I thought you might appreciate it for the novelty
  290.     value.  I shoved it in an envelope within the envelope,
  291.     so that it wasn't ripped off by beady eyed postal
  292.     workers.  :-). Should hit your mailbox prior to Christmas.love-st: I like SF books Dac
  294. ----------
  295. From s915426@minyos.xx.rmit.OZ.AU  Thu Nov 12 07:56:35 1992
  296. Name:Justin Deeley
  297. Age: 19
  298. City, State, and Country you live in: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
  299. time-owned: 4 years
  300. city-dealers: 10 (At least)
  301. state-dealers: 20-30
  302. dealer_distance: 10 km
  303. #use_groups: 20
  304. friend?: yes 
  305. commercial-bought:30 (MOst Productivity Apps (i.e. PPage/PDraw etc)
  306. like-to-do:Telecomp, Games, DTP (I make money with tihs one :-)
  307. want-to-do:RR DTP
  308. rate-amiga: 90+
  309. rate-prog: 20+
  310. rate-amiga-approval: 99
  311. rate-com-approval: 90
  312. rate-ami-support: 80
  313. investment: 90
  314. newlist: Yes
  315. use-newlist: Nope - well not yet!
  316. love-st: Yes
  317. ----------
  318. Name:Torban Bennett
  319. Age:21
  320. City, State, and Country you live in:Fremantle, Western Australia.
  321. time-owned:    4yrs
  322. city-dealers:    about 5 (Freo is only 20mins from the capital Perth)
  323. state-dealers:    10.
  324. dealer_distance:     19kms
  325. #use_groups:    maybe 4 in the state
  326. friend?:yes
  327. like-to-do:    word-processing, programming, entertainment,games,
  328. want-to-do:     telecomms DTP  programming     raytracing/animation
  329. rate-amiga:  75-85?
  330. rate-prog:  25
  331. rate-amiga-approval: 85
  332. rate-com-approval:    70
  333. rate-ami-support: 70
  334. investment: 50
  335. newlist:    No
  337. love-st: no
  338. ----------
  339. Name: Dennis Sibera
  340. Age:21
  341. City, State, and Country you live in:Bathurst New South Wales Australia 
  342. time-owned: 5 and a half years
  343. city-dealers: 1 dedicated dealer, and 3 chainstores that carry amigas
  344. state-dealers: Lots, at least 100
  345. dealer_distance:3 km
  346. #use_groups: would be around 20-50 (not too sure!) 
  347. friend?:y
  348. commercial-bought: 20-25
  349. like-to-do:Telecommunications  GFX
  350. want-to-do: Earn money & make a living from it :)
  351. rate-amiga: 90
  352. rate-prog:     40
  353. rate-amiga-approval:     99
  354. rate-com-approval:80
  355. rate-ami-support:     95
  356. investment:80
  357. newlist:Nope.
  358. use-newlist:
  359. love-st: no
  360. ----------From stetner@bnr.ca  Tue Nov 17 10:43:56 1992From @ecs.southampton.ac.uk,@gloriana.ecs.soton.ac.uk:efp90@ecs.southampton.ac.uk  Tue Nov 17 13:12:55 1992